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Calling all HR Managers, L&D Managers and Admins

We need your help to shape the future of the Go1 experience!

We're inviting you to join our Experience Research Program. Here's what being part of the Go1 research program involves:

Once you’ve joined, you’ll receive invitations to different studies, with the option to participate in one study every three months. Emails will include more information about the study topic and what it will involve. You can accept or decline to participate in each study.

If you accept, you can choose a time and date and book the time in our calendars, or suggest an alternative time.

During the session you book in with us, we’ll spend 30-60 minutes asking you questions and doing some fun activities and all of this will help improve our product and your experience.

And that’s it!

Do you produce the learning content yourself?
This includes online formates of facilitated training, in real-time, such as Zoom calls with learners.