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Duplicate projects or create project templates

How to make a copy of a project or create a project template for your team.
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Our system allows you to easily duplicate drafted, live, and completed projects to help save you time. You can now pin templates on your project page for you and your team to use repeatedly. Duplicating projects and using templates can come in handy if your team often launch multiple projects with similar screeners.

At this time, you cannot change the type of project (Recruit project vs Hub project), type of audience (Consumer vs Professional), or type of study (e.g. unmoderated task, focus group, multi-day, or 1-1) when duplicating a project. To change any of these settings, you will need to create a new project.

How to duplicate a project

1. Log into your account to access your list of projects and select “Duplicate” on the project to create a carbon copy draft. 

2. Make your edits before saving or launching your new project. Please note: all sections, except for the schedule and instructions for confirmed participants, will match the original version.

Need to finish later? Your draft will be automatically saved. Come back when you're ready to make more edits!

How to create a template project

1. Select "Mark as template" to the right of the project title to pin the template project to the top of your project page under "Team templates". To "Unmark" the template, simply click the button again.

2. Clicking "Use as template" creates a copy of the project with (COPY) appended to the title. These projects will be created as a "Draft", regardless of the template project status.

3. To edit a template, you will need to find the original project in your project list. At this time, you cannot edit templates from the team template section.

Note: Anyone on your team can mark (or unmark) a project as a template as long as they have access to duplicate that project.


Can a team member duplicate my project?

Anyone on your team can duplicate any project listed under another teammate's account.

If I have the Document Signing feature, and a document was included on the original project, will it carry over to the duplicated project?

Yes! The document will carry over to the duplicate project. You can edit or remove the document if needed when building your project.

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