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Browse Researcher Support

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Jumpstart research by creating and duplicating project templates for your team

Duplicate projects or create saved templates so your team can jump into research faster

Last Updated:
July 22, 2024
No items found.

Best practices for setting up an unmoderated study in Research Hub

Did you know you can run surveys & usability tests with User Interviews? Learn how to recruit & manage participants for unmoderated studies.

Last Updated:
July 17, 2024
Research Hub

Research Hub Quick Start Guide

Research Hub is your research CRM. This guide will get you started creating studies, adding users, and organizing your panel.

Last Updated:
July 17, 2024
Research Hub

Research Hub Part 4: Launching Your First Study

Launch your first study and invite users to participate. Our intuitive workspace takes you step-by-step through designing your project.

Last Updated:
July 17, 2024
Research Hub

What types of studies can I run on User Interviews?

Study types and formats to fit all your research needs!

Last Updated:
July 17, 2024
No items found.

Use opt-in forms to build and maintain your Hub panel

Build a highly engaged research panel and keep participant data continuously up to date

Last Updated:
July 17, 2024
Research Hub
For Admins

How to launch a new project

Learn how to launch a project in User Interviews

Last Updated:
July 16, 2024

Write effective preparation instructions for confirmed participants

Not sure what to include in your confirmation email for scheduled sessions? Here’s some inspiration.

Last Updated:
July 12, 2024
Emails & Messaging
Research Hub

Cancel or reschedule a confirmed participant

Learn more about our cancellation policy and how to reschedule and cancel confirmed research participants.

Last Updated:
July 11, 2024
Scheduling & Calendars

Add and manage collaborators on a project

Easily collaborate on research by giving team members and other stakeholders edit or view access to your project.

Last Updated:
July 10, 2024
Scheduling & Calendars

Automate Research: A Guide to Level 1 of the Research Hub Maturity Map

How to achieve a fast, automated, and collaborative recruiting workflow with Research Hub

Last Updated:
June 20, 2024
Research Hub

Set up roles and permissions for your team

Ensure the right level of access with team roles and permissions

Last Updated:
June 11, 2024
For Admins

Deactivate or delete your account

Need to deactivate a researcher account? We can help.

Last Updated:
May 10, 2024
No items found.

Connect or disconnect your calendar with the Google integration

Our Google integration helps you manage meeting links for moderated sessions, and sync your calendar for easier scheduling.

Last Updated:
May 10, 2024
Scheduling & Calendars

Use the Research Hub API to feed live data into Hub

Always access your latest user data in Hub with the Research Hub API ⚙️

Last Updated:
May 10, 2024
Research Hub
Pricing & Subscriptions

Use Document Signing to get your NDA or release form signed

Our Document Signing Add-On streamlines signature collection for important documents like NDAs, release forms, and consent forms.

Last Updated:
May 10, 2024
Document Signing

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