Kassie Chaney

Director, UX Research, Content Design, & Community Ops | Linkedin

Most likely to reincarnate as a librarian or antique book seller
kassie chaney headshot - woman with red hair in purple shirt against natural background

Kassie (she/her) has experience in a wide range of research roles, transitioning first from academic policy research to agency market research, and then from market research to UXR.

Today at Linkedin, she leads a horizontal team focused on creating and scaling research programs, inclusive processes and operations, up-skilling and training, fostering a UXR practice through culture and community, and partner education. 

Although Kassie sometimes misses doing hands-on work, she loves being a people leader and getting the opportunity to experiment with new programs, tools, techniques, and ideas with her team. She loves a good visual metaphor and tends to think in storytelling analogies. She’s been told that she has a talent for “peeking around corners” and anticipating the future—her full name isn’t Kassandra for nothing!

Kassie loves hiking with her family, spending time at the ocean, doing puzzles, and reading.

Currently listening to:
on their summer reading list:
The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact by Chip & Dan Heath
kassie chaney headshot - woman with red hair in purple shirt against natural background
Currently listening to:
on their summer reading list:
The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact by Chip & Dan Heath