Gregg Bernstein

User Research Lead | Condé Nast

Tightest project scopes
gregg bernstein headshot - man with reddish hair and beard and glasses in a blue plaid shirt leaning his head against his hand against a background of pictures on wall

Gregg (he/him) leads user research practices for growing organizations, and is the author of Research Practice: Perspectives from UX researchers in a changing field. He spends his days advocating for and practicing user-centered product development, and speaks around the world about his work at conferences and company events. 

He is now user research lead at Condé Nast. Previously, Gregg managed innovative research practices at Vox Media and Mailchimp, and taught design, branding, and typography at Georgia State University. Gregg earned his MFA in Graphic Design from the Savannah College of Art & Design, where he focused on user experience research and design.

In a previous life, he created album covers for punk and emo bands, and designed for clients in the music and advertising industries. He resides with his family in Athens, Georgia, where he enjoys long, quiet trail runs around the state botanical gardens.

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on their summer reading list: