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How do I search for and filter Hub participants in my panel?

Filter, sort, and invite participants in the Hub Participants view

You can find individual participants by searching directly in your Hub panel. You can also filter participants by specific attributes, and save those groups as segments to use for future retargeting.

How do I search for participants?

The search bar is located above the Hub table view, to the right of the Bulk actions dropdown. Simply type in your search and your query will run automatically—no need to press enter. Currently, you can search for participants using:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Phone number

Combine searching and filtering at the same time to pinpoint the right participants for your study more quickly.

Occasionally, we will surface participants who are close matches to a search term—these will show below exact matches in the search results. You can share your search query or results with a teammate by sending them the specific url to your search results.

💡Note: Comma separated search (for example searching for multiple participants at once using multiple terms) is not yet supported.

How do I filter my participants?

The "Filter" button in the top right hand corner of your Hub Participant table lets you view and filter by participants' contact info, activity history, and custom fields.

We offer filtering on the following attributes.


Create and tag participants with labels to keep your panel organized


  • Project history
  • Last applied date
  • Last invited date
  • Last participated date
  • Incentives earned

Participant Info

  • Email
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone number
  • Date added
  • Unsubscribed from User Interviews emails

Custom fields

  • Numbers, dates, text fields—whatever you need to organize your panel.

Use the blue "+" to add filters, and the gray "x" to remove filters. Click "Apply" to apply the filtering to your Hub Participant view.

How can I save and edit filters?

From the Hub panel, apply filters to narrow in on participants who meet your study criteria, and then save that custom group as a segment by clicking "Save as new segment". Saved segments will appear in the left panel, and can be reused by any member of the research team for future studies.

You can also create segments by selecting, "Add +" on the left hand menu. This will prompt you to name your segment and confirm and adjust the set filters. To learn more about segments, check out our support guide here.

Invite participants to projects

There are two ways to invite participants to a project from the Hub Participants screen.

First, to invite specific participants, check the boxes to the left of their email addresses and click "Invite to project." Pick an existing project or select "Create New Project," then click "Invite."

Second, you can invite a random subset of participants who meet your filter criteria.

Start by filtering your panel on any criteria you choose, then click "Invite to project." Next, pick a project or "Create New Project." In the "Number of participants to invite" filed, input the number of invites you'd like to send. This box will show you the number of invites you have based on your Hub Invite Rules.

⚠️ Note: all invites follow your team's Hub Invite Rules.

Can I delete or rename filters?

At this time, filters can be cleared but are not able to be deleted or renamed.

If a filter is based on one or more custom attributes, and you'd also like to delete those attributes, this can be accomplished under the "Edit fields" section of your Hub settings. Custom attributes that are deleted here would result in the deletion of any corresponding filters. Please note this is only applicable if you'd like to remove a filter AND delete the custom data column(s) from your Hub.

Saved segments can be edited, renamed, duplicated, or deleted. To do so, click the ellipses to the right of the segment name and select the appropriate action.

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