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The researcher has not sent instructions for my upcoming session. What should I do?

Getting in touch with the researcher with questions or when you need study assistance.

We do our best to connect participants and researchers once someone has been scheduled to answer any study-specific questions. With that in mind, here's how to get in touch with the researcher directly.

1. Log in to your participant account. Once you're logged in, you should be directed to your profile.

2. Click "Messages" in the menu towards the top of the page.

3. Using the drop-drop, find the project in question. Use the chat box to send a message to the researcher with your questions or requesting further instructions.

4. When the researcher replies, you will be alerted via email and text (if you are receiving our text alerts). You must reply through the messaging portal to ensure that your message gets tot he researcher.

If your session starts within 24 hours and you have not heard back from the researcher, complete this form for additional help. Oftentimes, it’s something as simple as a researcher needing more time to get their materials together.

In the event that you do not hear from the researcher, there's no need to be concerned. User Interviews will help you reschedule or make sure you receive our cancelation incentive (25% of the full amount) for your time.

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