We know it’s exciting when you’ve been approved to participate in a study. We also know it’s disappointing when your schedule doesn’t match up with the researcher’s!
If you’re not able to attend any of the available time slots the researcher posted, select “None of these times work”

If the researcher allows for participants to propose new times, you'll be able to provide five options for consideration!

If there is not flexibility or the study is full, you'll see the message below. In this case, we'll email you if a new spot opens up.

We encourage our researchers to have flexible availability as we understand everyone’s schedules are different. Please know that there is no guarantee that a proposed time will be approved. If your time is accepted, you’ll be scheduled and sent a confirmation email right away!
When can I propose times?
The system will time options between 7:00am-9:00PM in the researcher's time zone, Monday through Friday.
Can I propose a time the same day?
No. You can propose a time up to 30 hours ahead of a session. This allows the researcher time to consider your proposed time and confirm you in plenty of time.
Can the researcher select me day of the session?
No. The researcher will not be able to select you for a time within 24 hours of a session.
Will the times I propose conflict with the researcher's current sessions?
No. If you're seeing a proposed time, the researcher does not have a confirmed session at that time.
What if I proposed a time but are no longer available at that time?
It's VERY important that if you propose a time, you're available at that time. Please don't suggest a time if you may not be able to participate if the researcher agrees to that time.
Do I have to propose 5 times I'm available?
No. You can propose up to 5 times, so if only 1 or 2 times work for you, it's still worth suggesting them.
Can I propose more than 5 times?
No. The cutoff is 5 for now, but if that changes we'll let you know.