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What is the difference between Requested Participants and Confirmed Participants?

There are two important participant numbers to consider when creating a project - the number of requested participants and the number of confirmed participants.

"Requested Participants" represents the number of participants you'd like us to book for your study. It's determined by you—the researcher—and tells us how many people we should recruit for you. We request that this number is as accurate as possible so we don't over-notify our panel of participants.

"Confirmed Participants" represents the number of participants who have been booked and confirmed for your study. This number includes all sessions, past and upcoming. It does not include participants marked "Did not show" or participants who have been reported.

Once the number of "Confirmed Participants" equals the number of "Requested Participants", we consider a project full.

Increasing or Decreasing Requested Participants

You can increase or decrease your requested participants number at any time. Visit your project dashboard and navigate to "confirmed sessions". Click the pencil icon next the "Requested participants" box. You'll be able to edit this number, which will directly affect our recruiting efforts. To learn more about the Requested Participant number, see our support page here.

Please note that the requested participant number cannot be less than the confirmed number. 

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