Who is this article for?
🗣️ All researchers (both admins and users)
⭐ Customers on any User Interviews plan
Choose whether to automatically have User Interviews approve and invite 100% matches to your project's characteristics and screener, or opt to manually review and approve participants for more ownership over who can confirm a spot in your project.
Here’s the difference between manual and automatic approval:
- Manual review (on by default) gives you more control over which participants can participate in your project. You or an edit collaborator can review participants and choose to "Approve & invite" anyone you'd like to confirm a spot. This choice is recommended if you have quotas or balance needs, have short or long answer questions in your screener requiring review, intend to use Premium Screening (aka Double Screening), or need confer with a teammate for approvals.
- Automatic review lets you schedule participants faster, with fewer steps. Participants who are a 100% match to your screener and set characteristics will automatically be able to schedule themselves for your project; no need to review or manually approve and invite particular participants. Please note that you cannot prevent any 100% matches from being approved or take back an approval.
💡 Learn how match score is calculated.
How to select manual or auto approval for a project
💌 Swtich between manual and automatic participant approval
1. Navigate to the “Research Design” section of the project builder, and then to the “Recruitment” tab.
2. Scroll down to the “Review participants” section.
3. Choose whichever participant approval process you prefer—manually or automatically. Selecting manual review will allow you to add the Premium Screening (aka Double Screening) feature for additional review, if it’s included in your plan. Premium Screening is not available for automatic review.
4. If you change your mind about manual or automatic approval after you launch your project, you can change your approval settings in this same section. Please note that if your study was on auto approval, switching to manual approval will not prevent currently approved participants from signing up.