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As part of our new workflow to manage participants, we’ve added the ability to add custom tags and notes about participants to help organize and review them quickly.
You can now add one or more custom tags to a participant. For example, you might want to tag participants with a “Best”, “Tentative”, or “Poor” rating, or tag group identifiers such as “Alpha tester” or “Beta tester.”
Tags will appear under the “Tags” column for each participant, and can be added or removed as needed. You can also filter these tags to hone in on certain groups of participants.
Tags are also viewable and editable in a participant’s profile, directly under the participant name.
In addition to tags, you can now also add notes about participants. This is the place to jot down anything that will help with the review process, such as if the participant has done research with you in the past, if they seem experienced in the field, or maybe something for you (or a teammate) to follow up on.
Notes are also viewable and editable in the “Overview” section of a participant’s profile.
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